Monthly Archives: August 2024

Deja Vu

Thursday, Aug 1, 2024 2 P.M.

Set up is almost identical to yesterday. Plenty of instability; nice upper air support. And thunderstorms popping to our west. Yesterday produced a “cluster” of thunderstorms. Today looks to be linear. That means a larger area will experience strong to severe winds along with heavy rain.

I’d estimate line of storms to arrive in our area by 4:30 and exit eastward by 6:30 P.M.

Storm update

Thursday, Aug 1, 2024 3:15 P.M.

Line of strong to severe thunderstorms continues to move toward Louisville from western Indiana. The news is better for Louisville area as the northern half of the line has weakened a bit and is no longer producing severe storms. Still strong, though. Meanwhile the southern part of the line is still actively producing strong and severe winds.

The middle of the line is roughly I-64. The line appears to be moving just a little south of straight east. So, as it looks now the Louisville area and southern Indiana will see a strong line of thunderstorms arriving about 5 P.M. Heaviest storms look like they’ll stay just south of Louisville Metro – southern Breckinridge, Hardin, southern Bullitt and Nelson Counties.

Arrival in Louisville Metro – about 5 P.M. Departure by 7 P.M.