Monday, July 13, 2015 (3 P.M.)
Line of thunderstorms moving through Jefferson County and areas to the east have proven to be nothing more than typical old-fashioned summer afternoon “Toad stranglers”. Once again, the brief heavy downpours may aggravate recent flash flood problems, but the rainfall has been much less than similar events recently. Severe weather threat is pretty much over for Louisville area, for now.
On the bigger picture, the expected westward expansion and intensification process of the thunderstorm line over us looks as though it is finally underway. If it continues, look for severe winds to hit many areas of southcentral and southeastern KY later this afternoon before reaching Tennessee by evening. Currently, the strongest thunderstorms are concentrated along the I-75 corridor.
Later this afternoon, another cluster of severe thunderstorms is expected to break out over northern IL and IN. This system should drop southeastward this evening and reach the Ohio River area by midnight or later. This afternoon’s thunderstorm has taken a large amount of energy out of our atmosphere, so if this system moves as expected, any thunderstorms we get should be less of a threat than the current line – except for the heavy rain/flooding threat.