
Thursday, August, 8, 2019

We’ve had some crazy pretty forecasts this summer, especially before our weather turned dry over the past six weeks.  Meanwhile, the recent dry weather has  us hoping for some needed rainfall.  And,  the National Weather Service has given us some hope for tomorrow and tomorrow night.  I just have no idea where their forecast came from!

They’ve got a 50% chance for both time periods.  The models I’ve seen have dropped rain chances to less than 10%.  So, what’s up?  I have no idea.  I don’t see any rain tomorrow or tomorrow night.  But, I’d sure like to get a good, soaking rain.  I just don’t see it happening soon.

Remember back in May and early June how 50% forecasts brought us many heavy rain episodes?  Seems to me the forecast probabilities were too low then, and too high now.



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