Rain/snow on the way

Friday, Feb.16, 2024 12:30 P.M.

A few minor tweeks to yesterday’s post…

1). Faster timing. Now looks like rain should start about 4 P.M. with change to snow about – 6-7 P.M. then snow ending by about 9 P.M.

2). Stronger system. Rain/snow totals have been increased by most models.

3). Slight shift south? The GFS still holds firm to the 1″ snow line right along I-64 with four other models pushing it about 20-30 miles south.

4). Snow forecast. Greater confidence in about a 1″ accumulation for most of Jefferson County on grassy areas this evening. Areas north of I-64, could see 1″-2″ snowfall on grassy areas and possibly more over southern Indiana. Slick spots develop on area highways after 6 P.M.

Some wet snow late tomorrow

Thursday, Feb.15, 2024 6 P.M.

A weak upper level disturbance over Nevada now will race eastward and deposit some rain and snow over the area by late tomorrow afternoon. Temperatures will begin to drop tonight and northeasterly winds will keep the colder air over us tomorrow. Nevertheless, temperatures will reach the lower 40’s tomorrow before falling when rain starts.

Westerly upper level winds over the southern U.S. will keep inflow of Gulf moisture very low, so the disturbance will not have much moisture with which to work (My high school English teacher would be so proud.). So, total precipitation will be low, probably less than .20″.

Current timing has rain beginning around 4-5 P.M. tomorrow and quickly mixing with snow. Most likely it’ll be all snow by 6-7 P.M. and be gone by 9-10 P.M. The temperature should remain above freezing until close to the end of the event.

Soil and road temperatures should remain above freezing throughout the rain/snow. Roads will remain wet EXCEPT some bridges and overpasses near the end of the snow. Grassy areas may see snow accumulations of up to an inch.

Note: Snow accumulations up to an inch only for areas along and north of I-64. Areas south of I-64 will get little or no accumulation.

STUFF The Super Bowl was the most-watched television show ever in the U.S. Estimated audience was 123.4 million viewers.

Big snow stays south

Monday, Feb. 12, 2024 Noon

Yesterday’s post described the various ideas the models were proposing for our area for tonight’s snow probabilities. By today, models have pretty much come into agreement. Heavy snows still remain a possibility, but not for the Louisville area. The developing snow storm will move faster than expected. So, the snow/rain situation won’t spread northward fast enough for any concern here.

So, Louisville area should expect to see increasing cloudiness this afternoon with rain developing around 5 – 7 P.M. Rain will briefly change to snow during the late evening. The wet snow should end around Midnight with little or no snow accumulation. So, no luck here.

However, the southeastern part of KY should see a big, sloppy wet snow, Areas along and south of a line from about Leitchfield to Lexington to Ashland are expected to see roughly 2″-4″ of snow with some areas getting to 6″ or more tonight!

Snow? Models disagree

Sunday, February 11, 2024 4 P.M.

After bringing lots of rain to the southwestern states last week, all that’s left is a small cutoff upper level disturbance left behind as the major system moved on. The system is now being re-absorbed into the primary jet stream flow as it ejects toward the Tennessee Valley. A small surface low will develop tomorrow over TN and move over southeastern KY tomorrow night. That’s a classic snow situation for us! However, the big questions are exactly where the snow will fall? and will cold air arrive in time?

The models have been ignoring this development for the past few days, but are now paying attention. Unfortunately, they can’t seem to agree on the exact details. One area for agreement is that it’ll be a rain changing to snow situation. That change depends on the arrival of colder air that is expected tomorrow evening.

This morning’s GFS for the area has the rain/snow line along the Ohio River with accumulations of 2″ to 6″ inches of heavy, wet snow over the southern quarter of Indiana by Tuesday morning. Meanwhile, the KY side of the river should see an inch of snow or so – mostly on grassy areas. On the other hand, the NAM places the northern edge of the snow along the river. That puts about the northern third of KY (Including Louisville area) into the area of heaviest snowfall. That could mean about 2″ to 4″ of sloppy, wet snow for us but little snow for Indiana.

Now, however, the afternoon run of the NAM paints another take on the situation. This forecast pushes the whole situation about 60 miles south of it’s earlier solution. That means extreme southern Indiana and the KY counties touching the Ohio River will see rain tomorrow afternoon and evening with little or no snow on the tail end.

The afternoon GFS hasn’t arrived yet. It’ll be interesting!

STUFF: If the 49ers win tonight, they will tie the Pittsburgh Steelers and New England Patriots for the most Super Bowl victories. 6 each.


Sat. July 29, 2023 12:30 P.M.

National Weather Service has an 80% chance for thunderstorms this afternoon. It would be nice to get some rain, but an 80% chance? Where did that come from?

Scan of various models and derived data puts the chances lower than 20%. Even the Storm Prediction Center only goes to 40% chance this afternoon.

The 80% chance forecast looks like a big gamble. Let’s see how it plays out!

Also, for the past few days the longer range outlook for next week has kept our daily highs in the upper 80’s. Most recent model runs put daily highs back into the 90’s. Will our August end up being hotter than July? (Just guessing here, but I’d go with yes.

Severe Thunderstorm Watch

Thursday, June 29, 2023 4:30 P.M.

A couple of hours ago a massive line of intense thunderstorms was moving ESE from Illinois to Indiana. Severe thunderstorm warnings have been moving in lockstep with the squall line. Two hours later (now), the severe warnings are still being issued. In fact, a warning now covers all of southern Indiana down to the Ohio River.

However, radar indications show considerable weakening along this line. It is still potent, just not as bad as it was. The Storm Prediction Center has placed the western two-thirds (everywhere west of I-75) of KY in a Severe Thunderstorm Watch this evening.

Primary threats are strong winds with a smaller chance for large hail. Storms should move through the metro area between 5:30 and 7 P.M. Expect the usual strong wind gusts of summer thunderstorms with scattered (mostly) minor damage.

As of 5:00 P.M. the line of storms is closing in on the Ohio River. It continues to weaken, but is still moving fast enough to generate gusts to 50mph, or so.

6 P.M. update

Luckily the super cell has weakened a bit, become less organized and changed directions over the past hour.

Primarily, the cell has turned a little of the original path it was taking. So, now the biggest threat seems to be southern Floyd County and the southwestern half of Jefferson Co. From there it should head into Bullitt and Nelson Counties.

Strong winds and hail are still likely, but any tornado threat has lessened.

SuperCell headed toward Louisville area

5:30 P.M. Sunday, June 25, 2023

We’re in a Tornado Watch and it looks like some damaging weather has got parts of Louisville in its sight. Instability is high, wind shear is strong and, even though the cold front headed our way is not very strong, severe weather chances are high.

A “super cell” thunderstorm has broken away the broken line of storms plagueing southern Indiana this afternoon and headed on a path that brings it through northern Floyd Co., western Clark Co. during the next half hour. Then the storm will cross the Ohio River into northeast Jefferson Co., Oldham Co. and into Shelby Co. between 6 and 7P.M.

Super cells are never to be taken lightly. Brief very strong winds and large hail appear likely with this storm. Even a tornado is possible. Be carefull.

Severe storm threat minimal

Sunday, June 11, 2023 5:30 P.M.

The Kentucky part of our area is under a Severe Thunderstorm Watch until 11 P.M. Should it be?

The original Watch issued by the Storm Prediction Center did not include the Louisville area. The original watch’s northern boundary covered pretty much of the southern half of the commonwealth. It’s pretty marginal, but a couple of isolated severe storms could hit southern KY this evening, especially near the Tennessee border.

Meanwhile, the Louisville office decided to include numerous counties in northern KY to the original Watch. Bad decision. Radar trends and model forecast trends continue show no threat of severe storms within at least 50 to 75 miles of the Ohio River. The local office invented a risk that doesn’t exist.